Glass Castle Production / Sprint Blog 1

 Glass Castle Development Progress (Sprint 1):

    During this sprint, Modeling work has been focused on creating building structures for world one. All structures were created in modular pieces. This leaves all walls, roofs, and any other details that can be replicated in individual pieces. to save on geometry. Since I have the previous history in architectural 3D modeling building them is not that complicated. I gathered references on how the structures were going to look and modeled each elevation while being in modular pieces.


Task Completed:

  • Barn Model
    • 1228 Tris

  • Barn Textures
    • 2K Texture maps

  • Farmhouse Model
    • 2130 Tris

  • Farmhouse Textures
    • 2K Texture maps

  • Modular Pieces to make a Small Housing Unit
    • (Note: these pieces are designed and used to make other variations of village houses in the future)

In Progress Tasks:

  • Modular Pieces Textures
    • 2K Texture maps


  •     Creation of different variations of Village Housing Units.
    • Using the Modular pieces from before.
Issues Encountered:
  • The first issue was with the card details being vague at first. The cards at first started to build the model, however, it did not state in which world it was going to be. I talk to the designer and the producer to clear up this situation. Now the cards state what world this specific model will go to. The reason that this is important is that I need to know how to texture the model according to the intended world's theme.

  • The next issue encountered was some miscommunication between the designer and me. She said that the barn and the farmhouse model were intended to have the modular pieces be reused throughout the other structures for World 1. I was a bit confused by this since the barn and the farmhouse were not to have similar pieces that would fit well with each other due to the reference I gathered. For now, the Farmhouse and Barn will stay as it is, but for the next structure, which is the small housing unit, the pieces have to be designed in a way that they can be reused to make different variations of structures/housing units.

  • The last issue was being told that there were a few n-gons on my model. This was an easy fix and all I had to do was align and merge stray vertices I could not see.


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