Glass Castle Production / Sprint Blog 4

 Glass Castle Development Progress (Sprint 4): 

    During this sprint, I was to focus on the creation of pueblo dwelling Modular Pieces, so I can create 7 different variations of dwellings for World 2. There will pose an issue for this task that will happen in the future.

    Texturing the modular assets was not an issue and was simple enough since the structures will be made of red clay, so in the Painter, I just made a red concrete texture to give the look that the designer was going for. After texturing the pieces, I created 7 variations of pueblo structures in varying sizes and shapes. after that, I was to make a wooden gate that pivots at a point where the gate will open and close during gameplay. Texturing was simple, but it has to be similar to the Modular wooden fence textures I made the sprint prior since the fence was constructed as a piece for those modular pieces. 

Tasks completed:

  • Creation of pueblo modular pieces

  • Creation of textures for pueblo modular pieces

  • Creation of Pueblo dwelling variations
    • 1 and 2

    • 3 and 4

    • 5, 6 and 7

  • An opening Wooden Gate 

  • Wooden Gate Textures

  • FBX fix Resize

  • Putting all Pueblo Dwelling Variants into Unity and Making a Unity Package that incorporates all Texture maps, models, materials, and prefabs.

Tasks In Progress:
  • Creation of the destroyed Bridge model
Incomplete Tasks:
  • Creation of the textures for the destroyed bridge model
Issues Encountered:

  • One main issue encountered had to deal with the alignment of the modular pieces not fitting perfectly. The pieces that as the issue was the 5 x 10 ft Straight to curve pieces that had issues. For some reason, there was some misalignment with these pieces during the straight and curved portion of these pieces when aligning with other pieces. If you zoom in on these, they are a bit off at the top creating a slight gap. However, this was not the only problem these pieces had. When they were placed together, using the measuring tools they are off by a few decimal places. this will pose a problem for another issue that was encountered. the fix I had to do for this was re-align the vertexes into place without ruining the alignment with other pieces and reform the straight side so it had an even 20ft length across, however for some it does not have a clean length.

  • Due to some pieces not making a clean length the roof pieces get a bit of an impact. Above you will see some slight imperfections during the alignment of the roof. some of them you can see but some are very hidden. I did spend a lot of time building this but due to spending a lot of time on this, but I decided to make it fit by aligning the edges by hand. This will distort the pieces, but since it very small imperfection it should not be that noticeable. In unity, it does not show those imperfections, so it is ok.


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